
Cole Swensen


Cole Swensen is the author of seventeen books of poetry, most recently On Walking On (Nightboat, 2017), and a collection of critical essays, Noise That Stays Noise (University of Michigan, 2011). Her work has been awarded the Iowa Poetry Prize, the S.F. State Poetry Center Book Award, and the National Poetry Series, and has been a finalist twice for the L.A. Times Book Award and once for the National Book Award. A former Guggenheim Fellow, she co-edited American Hybrid. A Nortton Anthology of New Poetry, and is the founding editor of La Presse. She has translated over twenty books of French poetry, prose, and art criticism, including Jean Frémon’s Island of the Dead, which won the PEN USA Award in Translation. She divides her time between Paris and Providence, RI, where she teaches at Brown University.

Née à San Francisco,Cole Swensen partage sa vie entre les États Unis et Paris. Elle a publié dix-sept recueils de poésie, parmis lesquels On Walking On (2017), Gave (2017) et Landscapes on a Train (2015). Ses six recueils les plus récent comprennent Si Riche Heure, L’Age de verre, et Le Nôtre, tous traduits, en français, par Maïtreyi et Nicolas Pesquès et publiés par José Corti. Ses poèmes ont parus dans les revues Action poétique, Java, Vacarme, Nioque, Hors-Bords, et K.O.S.H.K.O.N.O.N.G. Elle a aussi reçu des bourses telles que la Guggenhiem Fellowship, et, pour ses traductions, celles de
l’association Beaumarchais et de la Direction du livre et de la lecture. Elle traduit également des poètes française contemporains Jean Frémon, Suzanne Doppelt, Olivier Cadiot, Pascale Monnier, Pierre Alferi, Nicolas Pesquès, et Caroline Dubois, et a remporté le PEN USA Award in Literary Translation pour l'un de ses ouvrages.