Souad Labbize was born in Algeria in 1965, and lived in Germany and Tunisia before moving to Toulouse, France. She has published several poetry collections, including Brouillons amoureux (“Drafts of Love,” Éditions des Lisières, 2017) and more recently Je franchis les barbelés (“Climbing Over Barbed Wire,” Éditions Bruno Doucey, 2019). The Centre Méditerranéen de Littérature honored this last publication with the 2020 Prix Méditerranée de la Poésie. In 2021, she released her second work of fiction, Glisser nue sur la rampe du temps (“Slide Naked on the Ramp of Time,” L’Envers) and another poetry collection, Enfiler la chemise de l’aïeule (“Put on Grandmother’s Shirt,” Hetraie). Very committed to the cause of equality between genders, she writes in the name of all women who choose exile in order to affirm their independence.